February's Directory Push: US/UK edition
Battleplans for 2023
The Hemp Hound Reset!
Have EIHA dropped the ball?
'Ask The FSA' FAQ's: Cold Press Hemp Oil with an Advertised Cannabinoid Content, and Article 4's
Legalisation vs Decriminalisation of recreational cannabis use in the UK?
The Cold Press Conundrum...
Industry thoughts and update
Did she really just say that???
The Hemp Hound Directory & Farmers Market Day
Catch up with The Hemp Hound Agency
Confidence in the FSA and Novel Foods: Poll results from The Hemp Hound Agency
A reply from the Food Standards Agency (FSA), to The Hemp Hound Agency.
Drop the bomb
Who on earth do you think you are?
Response from the VMD...
A letter of concern to the FSA
Fact Checking the Daily Mail's article: CBD oil – or snake oil?
Opinion: When is a food, not a food?
New beginnings: Welcome to The Hemp Hound!