Jul 4, 202215 min
Exposing the lies!
0.69% of the Novel Foods list is validated, yet just under half of them shouldn't be.
703 views0 comments
Jun 15, 20225 min
Catch up with The Hemp Hound Agency
Hello folks, I trust that you're all well! Some of you may have noticed that I've been busy of late, that because lots of things have...
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May 15, 202222 min
Who on earth do you think you are?
I have spent the last 7 days pouring over the ACI's Milestone page, and you might be interested in what I've found. I'm about to show you th
437 views0 comments
May 4, 20227 min
Novel Foods - Pre-planned to fail?
What a mess this whole Novel Foods process has become - The ACI are saying there could be legal challenges, the FSA admitting 'clerical err
363 views0 comments
Apr 12, 20228 min
A letter of concern to the FSA
From The Hemp Hound Agency Rules for thee, but not for me - How many times in the last few years have you come across this saying? Well...
233 views0 comments
Apr 4, 202210 min
Novel thoughts
The 31st of March was the day that CBD company owners have been waiting a whole year for, 'the' updating of the Novel Foods list.
556 views0 comments
Mar 21, 202210 min
Fact Checking the Daily Mail's article: CBD oil – or snake oil?
How to choose a high-quality CBD supplement – and what you should avoid.
An article review by: Honest Cef's Canna - Fact Checking Service,
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