May 16, 202413 min read
Three Points to Discuss Part 2 - Ethics and the FSA
Regardless of the intent, is it right that the FSA stops, or targets companies for changing their labels to reflect consumer information tha
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May 10, 202412 min read
Three Points to Discuss Part 1 - The FSA and the ASA
The question is, if I made a complaint now to the MHRA saying "Brains are blurring the lines between foods and medicines!", would the Border
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May 22, 20224 min read
Drop the bomb
A 'call to arms' to the UK Hemp and CBD industry, from The Hemp Hound Agency Far be it for me to jump in with quotes from Winston...
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Apr 12, 20228 min read
A letter of concern to the FSA
From The Hemp Hound Agency Rules for thee, but not for me - How many times in the last few years have you come across this saying? Well...
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