Aug 8, 20229 min
Industry thoughts and update
I honestly feel that CBD and Novel Foods is the most pressing issue right now, and that the issue in question is hidden in between more glam
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Jul 14, 202218 min
Exposing The Lies! Part 2
It's time to whistleblow against the FSA on behalf of the Hemp and CBD industry, there is blatantly a level of corruption that needs to be e
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Jun 13, 202216 min
Confidence in the FSA and Novel Foods: Poll results from The Hemp Hound Agency
For the last week now, The Hemp Hound Agency has been running a poll to determine how companies are feeling in regards to CBD Novel...
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May 15, 202222 min
Who on earth do you think you are?
I have spent the last 7 days pouring over the ACI's Milestone page, and you might be interested in what I've found. I'm about to show you th
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